Comments on: The Power of Southern Women to Restore the Culture of the South The New Life of The Old South Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:07:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tiffiny Alstott Wed, 07 Jul 2010 18:47:26 +0000 During our 2nd year of matrimony, my husband and I found ourselves out of college and out of work. Neither of us could get jobs in our arena. Indeed, neither one of us were able to even find full time jobs as the economy was awful and for the first time in my life-time I began hearing people talk about the homeless, food shelters, etc. As we struggled to make ends meet, with not one but 3 part time jobs cleaning offices (we got runs together as we only had one automobile and sped to 3 different locations all night long finishing up around 3 a.m.), I think of a brief period when matters got a bit “tense”. In the thick of all of this, my husband abruptly quietly asked me if I wanted a divorce and that stopped me in my tracks. I gulped and began to cry as he rapidly promised me that wasn’t what he wanted either but it was time for us to make a commitment. For almost 29 years (next month), this has signified that we have NO other option. We are sworn to this and hence we must continually bring our spousal relationship under the protection of the very author of marriage itself, God!

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Fri, 25 Jun 2010 12:44:49 +0000 As if any further confirmation were needed, take a look at this article in the 06/24/2010 issue of the New York Post.

God is dead? At a top Brooklyn middle school, He is.

Just when you thought the separation of church and state was more than an option, like paper or plastic, the matter has been settled at MS 51 in Park Slope. And the lesson falls on the side of atheism.

“RELIGION,” a sheet from English class, handed out to eighth-graders, is provocatively titled. The typewritten paper presents some 20 quotes that can be described as anti-God, coming from philosophers from Kierkegaard to Schopenhauer. Even a “Yiddish proverb.”

“Religion is a disease, but a noble disease,” reads the first quote, attributed to Heraclitus.

“Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they will think,” reads one by Schopenhauer.

Another sheet, titled “GOD,” asks kids to ponder whether religion should be treated as poetry — neither true nor false.

Angry parents want to know: What the devil does this have to do with middle-school English?

And, aren’t these kids too young to learn something more appropriate for a grad-school theological course?

“It’s not only above their level, obviously. It’s inappropriate in a public-school setting,” said Ken Whelan, whose daughter brought home the assignment late last year.

“We are fighting for the hearts and minds of our children. Against MTV, ‘American Idol’ and anorexia. We don’t need the public-school system to muddy the waters. To plant seeds of doubt.”

MS 51 is considered an educational oasis, one of the top 10 middle schools to send kids to the city’s specialized high schools. But the fuzzy-headed assignment, given by English teacher Rachel Rear, raised red flags with a Department of Education official, who agreed middle school “is a little young for this.”

“It’s problematic,” he said. The department had no official comment.

Rear did not return calls. But Principal Lenore Berner defended the assignment, part of a philosophy unit within the English course.

“We’re looking at both sides of debates,” Berner said. She added that Whelan had visited the school, along with a nun from his parish, and “we had a really good conversation about it.”

But Whelan said the teacher “dug in. She was challenging me. She wanted to get into a theological debate.”

Berner told me that some of the more objectionable material, she “believed,” would be removed from the course. That should comfort no one.

Once, schools taught kids to read, write and think. Now, educators use personal bias to preach what to think. The list keeps growing.

By: ConantheCimmerian Wed, 23 Jun 2010 16:11:50 +0000 Conan The Cimmerian>Restore the Culture of the South
[…] SHERMAN urges Southerners to take their children out of public shools.[…]

By: The Thinking Housewife › School and the Enemy Within Wed, 23 Jun 2010 13:33:00 +0000 […] SHERMAN urges Southerners to take their children out of public shools. She […]

By: Lynn Maust Tue, 22 Jun 2010 18:07:22 +0000 Stephen….thank you so much!

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Tue, 22 Jun 2010 12:48:10 +0000 Deo Vindice, indeed! I love the analogy to counterfeit money – studying the REAL thing rather than studying the counterfeit. There is a lot of wisdom there that can be applied to life. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We look forward to hearing from you often.

By: Lynn Maust Tue, 22 Jun 2010 04:55:21 +0000 Public schools…the enemy within…such an appropriate title for them. Isn’t this just the most motivating essay with which to forge ahead into your own homeschooling adventure! Yes, change comes through the direction given in the home…and only the home. Lydia is so ‘right on’ here! Take’s the truth.
In regards to learning the bad stuff in school books so you can know the good stuff is diametrically opposed to how to recognize good.
For instance, to detect counterfiet money, one must study REAL money constantly…in order to recognize the fake when you come across it. In the same manner, we study and absorb the GOOD…not the incorrect, stupid and order to recognize the incorrect, stupid and evil! My desire for the South is that mothers there take Lydia’s Biblical concepts to heart and make them happen…and God will vindiate the South then. Deo Vindice, I think. is the call!

By: Lydia McGaughey Sherman Mon, 21 Jun 2010 16:57:52 +0000 Look here also for more information on how the psychology industry has a big part in American education

By: Lydia McGaughey Sherman Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:48:29 +0000 I will add to this, that parents need not wait for the babies to be taught into adulthood. They can take what they have, whether it be a kindergarten child or a junior high student, and keep them home, to learn the right ways. When I first began, there were no fancy curriculums or homeschool support groups. My husband wanted to get me something that seemed “teacher-ish” and all he could find was a small chalkboard, a globe, and some art paper. WIth books already in the house:A Bible, and a set of books about different countries of the world, a dictionary, and an old McGuffey Reader, plus some art-literature readers, I was able to teach my children. I did not need all of that, either. You can made an entire curriculum from the first verse in Genesis, which will teach children from the beginning, clear through high school.
