Comments on: For Dixieland I’ll Take A Stand The New Life of The Old South Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:07:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Simons Fri, 05 Nov 2010 19:25:25 +0000 Being a Southern and a Christian in both cases we cannot have any middle ground. Your either a True Southerner or you’re a Scallywag or you’re a Christian or your LOST. As Jesus said in Matt chap 7 there is a narrow and wide gate. We who love and defend Christ and the South have entered in by the narrow gate and many cannot nor will they follow us. We must continue to Preach Christ and the wonderful, honorable ways of Southern and Christian life.

By: Walter C Gusler Thu, 04 Nov 2010 00:28:57 +0000 Sir,
It has been a long time since I have been able to come back on the site. My father always told me that as much as we may try to bring the truth out about the south there will always be groups, goverments and individuals that will attempt to stomp on and discredit our heritage. Although being a Southern gentlemen helps keep our heritage alive we will have to stand up and protect it not just for the ones that went before us but for the ones that are growing up now in these times. I stand proud as a Southern man and will stand and defend our heritage.

By: Lydia McGaughey Sherman Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:27:52 +0000 One of the tactics our South African visitor told us about was the attempt of Marxists to subvert us by name-calling, arguing, distracting from the original issue, or accusing. One method they use is the attack on your education. Anyone who tells the truth is “grade school level,” uneducated, or unintellligent. You will find these tactics any time a message board begins to disintegrate into arguing.

The term “revisionist history” was actually originated in the South, by several different speakers and authors, like Mel and Norma Gabler of Texas, who wrote the book exposing revisionist history, “What Are They Teaching Our Children,” which sent many Texan families scurrying into home schooling, where they could effectively teach the next generation true history instead of government-approved revisionist history. So, you see, those who oppose have no original thoughts of their own, and can only use words, phrases and arguments they pick up from more intelligent people

The person who wrote this opinion of you needs to really be more open minded by reading original documents and accounts of the South during the war. This site has a lot of them:

On the left, each title has a lot of titles under it, so each one of those needs to be read, as well. It will take a good two weeks of evening reading, but it will really open the eyes of the critic, who has not really delved in depth to the real reasons behind the war. If slavery was the only issue, then why were the northern states not required to free their slaves? That is a fact that is grossly overlooked.

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Sat, 30 Oct 2010 12:51:17 +0000 Thank you for the comment, Elizabeth. When I was thinking about this over the past few days, I thought about the similarities between defending Southern heritage and Biblical Christianity. Laura and I attend a very fundamental independent Baptist church that follows Jesus’ commandment to go out into the world and preach the Gospel to all. That means that we go OUT into a world that is often quite hostile to the message. We often hold scripture signs in public, and as I type this, Laura is with a group distributing tracts this morning. Others from church will be holding scripture signs and distributing tracts to the crowds going into a football game. We get a range of reactions from nice to nasty, but we carry on anyway.

When you believe in something, you have to openly support it – otherwise, you become just one of the flock of timid bleating sheep that Lenin referred to as “useful idiots”. Even though I’m just passing through this world on my way to heaven, I cannot just sit back and watch my beloved South be lied about and her history erased and replaced with a version intended to make The North look good and The South look bad.

By: Elizabeth Sat, 30 Oct 2010 11:47:59 +0000 It’s sad how the South, like Christianity is so attacked. It happens all the time, and few Southern folks will stand up for their country any more. And those who do are really attacked. Everyone has been so brainwashed, and has to be “politically correct”. And like you said, there is no middle ground.
Thank y’all for what you do here, I always enjoy reading the articles, and am trying to always be learning about the South. I especially appreciate how, you not only defend the South, but use scripture, and are Christians as well. Praise the Lord!

Deo Vindice!

