Comments on: SCV Videos Pulled from History Channel The New Life of The Old South Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:07:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Clay McGehee Thu, 09 Dec 2010 03:16:46 +0000 Mike,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting – and for laying out the correct sequence of events. I have absolutely no doubt that it was an oversight. I don’t know that I would go along with considering it not a major thing, but it doesn’t really matter at this point. My main concern is that this sort of “oversight” gives them ammunition to shoot back at us. Every time we give them something like this, it is something that they will continue to throw back in our face and make all sorts of false claims based on sloppy research. I know that we can do better and that is what really frustrates me.

On the one hand, we have some dedicated Southern patriots who put a lot of time – and money – into this project. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their efforts, and I certainly don’t want to overlook that in the discussion. I know that I have been unnecessarily harsh and not given them credit for taking the initiative and making it happen.

On the other hand, the subject is a matter of history. The specific facts being presented should have been carefully checked and rechecked. The wording of the script should have been carefully checked. It just frustrates me that it didn’t happen. It frustrates me even more because I know that the facts are on our side and that we can do better.

Again, thanks for stopping by and commenting, Mike. There are few men who work as hard for the Southern Cause as you do and it is truly an honor to have you commenting here.

By: Mike Crane Thu, 09 Dec 2010 02:13:47 +0000 Stephen, the Morrill bill was initiated in 1859 so the word “passed” should have been “initiated.” It did pass in the 36th Congress whose term was March 4, 1859 until March 4, 1861. It passed the US House somewhere in May 1860 by a sectional 105-64 vote, passed the US Senate in February, 1861 and then final passage after conference committee was March 2, 1861.

So the wording error was probably an oversight and is not a major thing from my perspective. Both Toombs (Georgia) and Rhett (SC) gave major speeches referencing the bill specifically by name before their State secession conventions.

During the campaign Lincoln openly supported the passage, support of the bill was one of the reasons he won the Republican Party nomination on the third ballot and prior to taking office after the election he stated if it was not in force it would be his first priority after taking office.

Mike Crane

By: Brett Stevens Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:15:09 +0000 Hi there folks, just thought I’d drop this link here:

This is the contact form for the History Channel. I figure that if one complaint got the videos pulled, we should show them the other side, which is that many people are also in favor of these videos.

Here’s my message:

“To whom it may concern:

I am saddened that The History Channel chose to stop airing the ads from the Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. While these ads expressed views that are unpopular to some, they are not unpopular to all. History is the progress of ideas through time and often we find out that our assumptions were bad, but before that occurs, those who claim anything other than the status quo belief system are demonized. This marginalization of important ideas often culminates in people demanding they be removed, or those who adhere to them removed, as happened when our world’s first democracy executed an elderly philosopher for corrupting the youth of Athens with his ideas.

Please reconsider your decision to drop these ads. I and other watchers who are open-minded to multiple views of history would be grateful.


Brett Stevens
Houston, TX”

Maybe that will help.

By: Claire Thu, 28 Oct 2010 00:21:52 +0000 “As common as this sort of thing is, I would think that it would no longer shock me, but it does.”

Indeed. Every time an individual is offended by the facts, we edit history. And their “logical” argument that a single error in presentation constitutes a total negation of all other facts is a common tactic. The liberal generally cannot see beyond their emotional response to things, so why should they let something like pesky facts get in the way of them feeling superior and remaining deluded? All that matters is that they feel that they are right. You cannot argue logically with the illogical.

By: If one person is offended, we edit history | Amerika: New Right, Conservationist, Traditionalist, Deep Ecology and Conservative Thought Wed, 27 Oct 2010 23:02:00 +0000 […] As common as this sort of thing is, I would think that it would no longer shock me, but it does. The irony of this is a thing of beauty. Here we have a major media outlet, calling itself the History Channel, pulling a series of paid videos that present historical facts that go against what today is accepted as unquestionable fact in America. What are they afraid of? What is so dangerous about this information that they would turn away paid advertising to keep it from being shown? – Confederate Colonel […]

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Wed, 27 Oct 2010 16:54:10 +0000 I do need to add here that among the comments written on the high school history teacher’s blog, I have seen evidence that at least one of the comment writers has some level of interest in accuracy rather than the all-out Slam The South agenda that the school teacher has. It’s not worth dealing with though. Ultimately those who post on places like that will be satisfied with nothing less than a signed confession that The North was the Knight in Shining Armor that saved the country (if not the world) by thoroughly vanquishing the evil and wicked slave-beating Southern white trash who had the audacity to withdraw from political enslavement. Yes, that’s what it is – political enslavement. Those states who dare to leave the federal plantation will be hunted down and shot; their homes and fields and cities will be burned to the ground; their cultural memory erased by politicians and history teachers. It makes individual slavery look pretty tame by comparison.

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:06:51 +0000 Ghost,
Hypocrisy is right. You’ll note that the one comment I made on that thread (and the only one I will make) pointed out a factual error that he made in describing me, yet there was no correction, only more mockery. How sad it is that this guy is a “teacher”.

By: Ghost Wed, 27 Oct 2010 12:55:21 +0000 Note the outrageous hypocrisy on this site. One poster denies there is any aim to make Southerners the “bad guys”…then a few posts later another does exactly that-

The owner of this blog has referred to himself as an “activist historian.”

He’s right. He uses history as a tool to promote an agenda.

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Tue, 26 Oct 2010 19:52:10 +0000 Rattlesnake,
I am not aware of anything like that, and I really doubt that it would be made public if it exists. Just my guess though – all I know of this is from an email correspondence.

This was a golden opportunity. A great idea that got lost in the execution.

This whole thing – and I refer mainly to the posts on another blog – is why I don’t try to get into historical discussions with folks. They were attacking the lack of attention to detail in the videos. They were legitimate points, but does it really matter that a piece of legislation was adopted in 1861 and not 1859? Certainly it matters to some degree and not getting that correct was inexcusable, but those who focus on that sort of thing are giving the right answers to the wrong questions. The focus was effectively shifted away from the topic and onto a date. They cannot argue on principle, so they focus on relatively meaningless details as though that somehow proves that The Southerners were the bad guys. Pathetic.

By: Michael Simons Tue, 26 Oct 2010 18:39:26 +0000 It is so sad to see almost any effort to share the truth be swept aside by the PC movement that seems to rule these days. May God Prosper these efforts as the SCV moves forward from here.
