Comments on: Ron Paul on Secession The New Life of The Old South Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:07:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Clay McGehee Wed, 22 Feb 2012 23:30:18 +0000 No, you’re not hijacking the thread, Drew. No problem at all. It’s getting a bit off topic, but it’s still close enough to keep it going.

What you say is absolutely correct in my own experience. You’re in your mid-thirties. I turn 59 this year, and I see the same things that you see, only spread across a few more years.

I have my own unique experience to draw from as well. I am the vice-president of a non-profit corporation that provides support for missionaries based in Sierra Leone, West Africa. For the racially clueless who are drawing a blank, that is a very black country. I hear first-hand stories of what the people there are really like, and it is far from the “Noble Native Who Would Excel At Everything If It Were Not For The White Man” story that so many believe. I won’t go into details because that is not our purpose here, but it definitely confirms what you wrote.

Thank you for commenting, sir.

By: Drew Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:43:49 +0000 Interesting remarks by Charlie. I have indeed traveled almost all of the United States, excluding California. I refuse to go there. :) I have lived in the north, was born and raised in Maryland, and since then I have lived in Maine, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and finally, North Carolina. I have had my fair share of time around all different races, even lived with a Korean family for a couple years in Maryland (very large Korean community there.) My wife is half Korean, half White. More and more, I consider myself southern. Why? Because the older I get (mid 30s) and the further I have gotten from “civilization” (extremely large cities) I have begun to realize that when you cram all those races into a small area, eventually everyone begins to congregate towards their own, with exception of white people. White people are probably the only race that is left that have no identity, we are not race conscious. The ones that do seem to have an identity, or are race conscious, live here, in the south. I’m not a racist, I don’t hate other races, I just prefer the company of my own. Most “civilized” civilizations are borne on the backs of whites. The dark races tend to tear them down. That is what I learned from both talking to, and studying, other races. If you don’t believe me, walk the streets of what’s left of Detroit and New Orleans. No, New Orleans has not been rebuilt, except for the pile of filth that is the French quarter, which has very little French left in it.

I know this was kind of off topic, but that comment by “Charlie” apparently pushed a button or two. Sorry for hijacking the thread Stephen, I understand if you don’t want to publish this.

By: Big Red Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:04:16 +0000 I agree with Ron Paul – our country is a republic not a democracy get it good!!! It’s a shame that we as American citizens can not get along any more. If you look at what we are doing now as a country, it’s like we’re back in the 1850’s just about to go into a new civil war, and that folks is bad – very bad, I pray to God that we as America get back into the way we used to be. God bless America and God speed hoorah !!!! Ron Paul 2012 a.k.a. 1860

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Thu, 09 Feb 2012 19:19:48 +0000 For anyone looking to “Charlie D” for advice on how to escape this little backwater of ignorance known as “The South”. I present to you his (hopefully) final comment in its entirety (his words are in italics):

“You’re scared and thats ok. Your worldview is “trash”!”

“You have a sad life im sure so you have to look in the past to find anything of worth.”

He offered a strange statement that “The Confederate Govt. was the first Govt. to set up a wellfare state because thier women rioted.”

“You are a little, stupid man. Bye.!!!”

And now, for his final word of advice on how to shed our foolish Southern ways and rise to that pinnacle of human enlightment known as the “Yankee”:
“Ps Get out of the South for a while and check all of the USA, its a great country!!! Talk to some black people too, you might learn something,.”

I promise you – I am not making this up. I really did receive this stuff from someone named “CharlieD”.

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Thu, 09 Feb 2012 15:30:28 +0000 “Charlie D” has written another reply, but I am not going to take the bait. Confederate Colonel is not a public forum for people like him. Any reasonably constructive reply is approved. Confederate Colonel has been on line in one form or another since September 2007, and there are exactly three replies in the “Trash” folder. All of them are from “Charlie D”.

In the past 30 days, this blog has had 4,700 visitors (it is set to exclude administrator accounts and bots). We are not going to waste our time with the petty snide remarks from someone like him.

End of discussion.

By: Stephen Clay McGehee Thu, 09 Feb 2012 01:07:55 +0000 For those who are wondering why I approve any comments from “Charlie D” – it is to illustrate the low caliber of those who take such pleasure in attacking us. I try to maintain a decent and respectable level of commentary here, but I also reserve the right to hold our critics to lower standards – in this case, much lower standards.


By: Drew Wed, 01 Feb 2012 03:34:43 +0000 Some of us would rather see the US not be involved with the so called “global trading system” at all, as it DOES NOT sustain or protect our “standard” of living, but instead hampers it by making it better and cheaper to buy things overseas than to buy things made in our own country. Our so called standard of living is driving our economy and country into the ground.Perhaps if we did as the north did to the south, and tarrif the hell out of all the imported goods that come into the country, it would “encourage” more businesses to stay within our own borders, since that would make good cheaper to produce here. The fact that it’s cheaper for them to go overseas, have foreigners make goods and then ship them back into the country is a sad state of affairs. Since the UN-Civil war, the federal government has practiced “total war” which they perfected on the south by raping and killing innocents, sparing no one including the slaves they were supposedly there to free. Now they go to other countries under the guise of “spreading democracy” and bombing countries back to the stone age. So if you tthink we are “preserving” anything by starting wars left and right, think again. No, I think we are better off keeping our noses out of other countries’ business, and building our own country. Or, better yet, let’s just secede and call it a day. maybe this time the south will win. after all, we have more guns and shoes this time around.

By: Austin Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:42:21 +0000 Mr. Paul’s unrealistic and naive positions on foreign policy and defence make him, unfortunately, not a serious candidate. Our “meddling” overseas is to preserve a global trading system that sustains and protects our standard of living and way of life. We could run away from the world but the world wouldn’t run away from us. Does anyone want to see the global economy steered by the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans, Muslim nations, or some combination of the above? We inherited, after World War II, a virtual empire from the British however, we have no one but enemies to hand off our leadership of the Free World to [which Obama is working on].

By: John Mon, 16 Jan 2012 17:07:15 +0000 The right of secession was understood from the beginning. Three states, New York, Virginia, and Rhode Island stipulated the right to secede when they joined the union. The other states accepted those stipulations.
