Confederate Colonel » video The New Life of The Old South Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:45:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bright Sunny South Sun, 20 Jan 2013 21:56:35 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Bright Sunny South is a hauntingly beautiful ballad of The South. While believed to have its roots in Celtic culture, its origins are uncertain, with some attributing it to a folks song from Nova Scotia. There are several versions of the lyrics, but those shown below are the most widely known. The video features a rendition performed by Bittersweet and Briers.

From the bright sunny South to the war, I was sent,
E’er the days of my boyhood, I scarcely had spent.
From it’s cool shady forests and deep flowing streams,
Ever fond in my mem’ry, ever sweet in my dreams.

Oh, my dear little sister, I still see her tears.
When I had to leave home in our tender years.
And my sweet gentle mother, so dear to my heart,
It grieved me sincerely when we had to part.

Said my kind-hearted father as he took my hand:
“As you go in defense of our dear native Land,
“Son, be brave but show mercy whenever you can.
“Our hearts will be with you, ’til you return again.”

In my bag there’s a Bible to show me the way,
Through my trials here on earth and to Heaven some day.
I will shoulder my musket and brandish my sword,
In defense of this Land and the word of the Lord.

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Tentacles In Our Children Fri, 30 Mar 2012 02:47:46 +0000 Continue reading ]]> (We will return to the series of posts on the Southern gentleman and the Boy Scout laws, oath, and motto next week. This is the first post in which the new email subscription feature has been enabled.)

The Consumer Culture has been getting its tentacles deep into the lives of our children. Do we truly understand what this means? Do we allow this attack on the lives of our children? In the case of some health issues, it is literally an attack on their lives. In the case of other issues, it is warping the perspective of future generations by making consumption the goal to be pursued at the expense of all others. This is the end result of the industrialist portion of Yankee culture. The polar opposite of this is Southern Agrarianism.

If we have any duty at all to our children, then we certainly have a duty to guide and direct how they interact with influences like this. Just because something is available through the media does not mean that we should allow our families to be exposed to it. No thinking man would allow his family to be exposed to a deadly disease, yet far too many would think nothing of exposing their family to something just as deadly to their character. Don’t let that happen.

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Voices Raised for Change Fri, 19 Aug 2011 20:33:25 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Estonia - May 1990

The following was first posted here on July 22, 2010. I am re-posting it after reading an article in today’s Wall Street Journal about The Singing Revolution – a documentary that is scheduled to air on PBS Saturday at 3:00 pm EDT and Sunday at 11:00 pm EDT. This month marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union. To gain a better perspective of what that meant to those under Soviet rule, this is from the narration of that documentary:

But Estonia’s darkest and bloodiest chapter began in 1939 when the Soviets crossed the border. Within months thousands were executed, others disappeared. In one night 10,000 men, women and children were taken from their homes, loaded into cattle cars, and shipped to slave labor camps in Siberia. More than half never returned… But Estonians fought, and sang, and survived.

Culture is what united the Estonian people. Culture is the vehicle that carried them to freedom. It is our great Southern Culture that unites us as a people. It is that same Southern Culture that will determine the fate of future generations of Southerners.

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My grandmother was born and raised in one of the Baltic states (Latvia), so I find myself drawn to cultural news from that area. A video has been making its way around the web recently that shows tens of thousands of Estonians gathered together to sing songs that unite them as a people. In June 1988, spontaneous night singing demonstrations took place in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania calling for independence from the Soviet Union. It was the singing of folk songs that reminded them that they are a single and unique people united together as a nation. Estonia is a Nordic country, and as you watch the video, it is obvious that they are, indeed, one people united by blood and culture.

What does this have to do with Southern culture and the goals of the Confederate Colonel project? This is about preserving a culture – A culture. This is not a “multicultural” event. Diluting a culture by mixing in other cultures does not strengthen it – mixing cultures weakens all those involved. The social diseases of “political correctness” and “multiculturalism” have as a chief goal the destruction of Southern culture and the Western European heritage that it is based on. Note that cultures can be, and often are, adopted by others who may not be native-born, but wish to assimilate into that culture. In other words, we are talking about a culture and not blood inheritance. The key point is that those born “outside” actively assimilate into the culture without the culture adapting to them. That is the only way to preserve a culture while still accepting others into the native land of that culture.

(Note: The sound drops out in the last few seconds of the video.)

This is a trailer of a film about The Singing Revolution:

The Lyrics

Keep in mind that these lyrics were done as a literal translation, and words and cultural memory don’t always make a smooth transition from one language to another.

Isamaa Ilu Hoieldes
(Cherishing the Beauty of the Land of my Fathers)

Keeping the beauty of fatherland.
Fighting against the enemy:
Pay attention, pay attention,
Pay attention, pay attention!

If you believe in yourself,
In opinions of the wise,
In shoulders of the strong,
In mightiness of the elders,
In nimbleness of young men,
In sisters, brothers,
Above all in yourself,
Then you get better life.

If you believe the talk of the wolf,
Fear the yelps of the dogs,
Hear the curses of the masters,
Complains of the underlings,
Bitings of the greedy,
Admonishments of the low ones,
Scolds of the blind,
Then you get nothing.

If you sink into lies,
Stooping into dreams,
On all fours under the order,
Bowing under the rouble,
Then you get fleas in groin,
Itches in your heart,
Halters on your head, bones in your stomach,
Then you go to hell.

If you believe in yourself,
Then you believe in the folk,
In the farms, in the wiseness,
In the teaching, in the rights,
In the birch grove of home place,
In the swallow by the clouds,
Then you get mighty spirit,
Then you get better life.

Also, here is an interesting blog article about this event.

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Back to Basics – Good Grooming Sat, 02 Apr 2011 02:18:31 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Sometimes it is good to just go back to the basics, and simple good grooming is a part of that. It is something that people tend to think comes naturally, but sometimes people just aren’t taught or they learned from poor examples.

This is an instructional film made in 1948 that goes over the basics of good grooming. Yes, some of this appears rather dated, but that’s OK – the basics are always timeless.

Do you remember those old 16 mm Coronet Films that were shown in school?

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White Slavery Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:58:34 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Comments in the previous post discussed the enslavement of Whites. This is a documentary about the capture and enslavement of the people of Greenland. Two notable things about this: 1) Unlike Africans sold into slavery who were usually captured by rival tribes and then sold (rather than being killed outright during inter-tribal wars as was the previous practice) to White slave traders, these people were targeted and captured for the specific purpose of enslavement; and 2) this capture and enslavement (and the included mass murder and church desecration) was the work of the followers of Islam – the “religion of peace” as they and our politicians like to claim.

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SCV Video – South Carolina Secedes Fri, 12 Nov 2010 10:30:02 +0000

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SCV Video – The Corwin Amendment Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:30:36 +0000

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SCV Video – Economic Reason for The War Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:30:18 +0000

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SCV Video – John Brown’s Raid Fri, 05 Nov 2010 09:30:45 +0000

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SCV Video – Lincoln’s Election Wed, 03 Nov 2010 09:30:51 +0000

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