Confederate Colonel » Southern Lady The New Life of The Old South Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:45:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ten Ways – from Raising Homemakers Tue, 08 May 2012 17:15:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Raising Homemakers is a great resource for all parents wanting to raise their sons into gentlemen and their daughters into ladies. It is aimed at mothers raising daughters, but there are also plenty of nuggets for those raising sons.

Ten Ways to Teach Your Children a Biblical World View is just what the title says. Be sure to read the entire article, and consider making Raising Homemakers a part of your regular reading list – especially if you have daughters. The ten points are:


1.   Start at the starting point:  Read the Bible–a lot.
2.   Read literature/history texts written by authors who have a biblical worldview.
3.   Eat together at least once a day and talk about current issues around the dinner table.
4.   Watch movies that encourage conversation regarding issues/how the Bible relates to those issues.
5.   Use a course or materials specifically written to teach worldview.
6.   Consider sending your older child to a worldview camp or conference or attend one as a family
7.   Create an atmosphere in your home that honors biblical thinking.
8.   Attend a church where the Word of God is consistently, faithfully taught.
9.   As your child gets older, transfer spoon-fed biblical teaching methods to self-directed bible study
10. Choose an education that backs up what is being taught/has been taught at home.

Here at Confederate Colonel, we mainly concern ourselves with Southern culture and how to preserve and defend it against an ungodly and hostile world. There is a reason that The South is also referred to as The Bible Belt. While there have always been plenty of non-Christians in The South, even they generally understood that Southern culture is firmly rooted in The Bible. Christianity and Southern culture are inseparable.

Take full advantage of resources such as this to make sure that your family understands the precious gift of God’s grace. That understanding is not magically absorbed from parents – it must be taught. Of all the things that parents and grandparents can pass along to the next generation, the love of God is the single most important thing. The eternal fate of your family – and of all mankind – depends on it.

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Teaching Our Sons and Daughters Mon, 17 Oct 2011 21:39:54 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

The way we raise our sons and daughters, and the way we influence our grandsons and granddaughters is the key to making a better world. It always has been. The Southern gentleman has many duties and obligations, but none are more important than shaping and molding the next generation into Southern gentlemen and Southern ladies who understand where they came from and why it is so important that they pass those same values along to their next generation.

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Responsibility and Children Tue, 12 Jul 2011 09:06:11 +0000 Continue reading ]]> My wife is part of a group of ladies who go to our church each Monday morning to clean and straighten up after the church services. They routinely find candy wrappers and food, and doors opened, and things out of place in the areas where children play after services. That, of course, is part of what children do – they play and make a mess. That’s just part of the package. Also part of the package though, is our responsibility as parents to make sure that our children understand the concept of personal responsibility.

Our task as parents – and anyone who works with youth – is to remember that we are not raising children. We are raising adults who have not reached adulthood. By that I mean that we must never lose sight of the fact that the goal is to have a child who grows into a responsible adult – a Southern gentleman or a Southern lady. Play time is great, and every child needs lots of it, but there are also lessons to be learned even in play. Cleaning up after themselves is one of the most basic lessons in personal responsibility that a child has to learn. A nice side benefit is that it quickly makes the job of the “Keeper at home” a lot easier. The primary focus though, is on the lessons of personal responsibility – one of the keys to raising a Southern gentleman or Southern lady.

In case you aren’t already familiar with them, Vision Forum is an excellent resource for parents wanting to raise their children into Southern gentlemen and Southern ladies in a Biblical manner.

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Not All Women Appreciate Chivalry Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:25:54 +0000 Not All Women Appreciate Chivalry;
Only Those Worth Dying For.

The Accolade, by Edmund Leighton

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The Grand Old Days – a poem Wed, 15 Jun 2011 09:30:58 +0000 Continue reading ]]>
Photo – National Geographic

Grand Old Days
by Nancy B. Brewer

The ruffled dresses, petticoats and fancifully ways,
Ice tea, fried chicken and all our Southern ways,
Are slowly fading down the river,
Like ships upon the bay

Poise and manners have gone astray,
Replaced by the rude awakening of modern way,
Our Southern independence fought and lost,
Souls pass and bodies decay.

Yet, who will shed a tear or shout hooray?
If only I could beg or plea you to stay,
Would you smile and kiss my hand,
Just once more.. for the grand old days?


Mrs. Brewer is an author of historical fiction, reenactor, and story-teller from North Carolina. She is the author of Carolina Rain and Beyond Sandy Ridge. Her web site is

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Those Who Set an Example Fri, 02 Jul 2010 09:30:36 +0000 Continue reading ]]> While much of what we learn comes from reading, it is from observing those who set a good example that we get the most understanding. What person has had the most influence on you regarding Southern Hospitality, manners, and etiquette?

In my case, it was my Aunt Elizabeth. Elizabeth Sullivan has always been the one who comes to my mind when Southern Hospitality is mentioned. Aunt Elizabeth is my father’s sister, and spent most of her life on the farm in south Georgia after being raised on the McGehee farm in Florida. She spent many years teaching Home Economics at the local high school. Though she is now spending her last days in a rest home, I suspect that in her mind she is still preparing her home for guests. I use her as the example, but this also applies to the rest of her family.

Here are some examples of why she truly is a Southern Lady:

• She always made sure that guests in her home were served the finest of meals – and she was an excellent cook!

• Their home had a room set aside as a guest room. This was not just a corner cleared of items in storage, but a genuine guest room. The furniture was of the kind of quality that guests knew they were being treated to the best they had to offer.

• Her family was generous. When they went to visit others, they would bring a gift of some sort. Many years ago, they came to visit our family around Thanksgiving. They brought with them a delicious ham. They sent my brother a miniature cotton bale made from a cotton crop they had grown, and we regularly receive a large package of pecans that came from their pecan grove or peanuts from their fields.

• She is a devout Christian Lady. When we went to visit, and were there on a Sunday, we always went to church with her where we were welcomed as family.

• On top of all that, there was that special quality in her that made you feel warm and welcome and loved. It is something that can’t really be put into words – you just know it when you experience it.

Aunt Elizabeth will always have a special place in my heart, and will always be the one who comes to mind when I think of Southern Hospitality.

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The Power of Southern Women to Restore the Culture of the South Mon, 21 Jun 2010 09:30:57 +0000 Continue reading ]]> One thing that  many Southerns are not considering strongly enough, is the how we are being robbed of our future, when our children are educated in public schools. When I have suggested that we need to abandon public education, people will often say that their spouses are either principles or teachers in the public schools, and that they think that will make a difference.  I attended a church in Texas where almost every member was, in some way, employed by the public school, from driving a bus or janitor work, to teaching or coaching.  I was homeschooling my own children at the time, and these public school administrators, teachers aids and principles, always made a point of telling me that I was doing great harm by not allowing my children to be “salt and light” to the public schools.  They thought that having many Christians teaching or attending public schools,  somehow made it a Christian institution.

What the Southern ladies need to realize is that anyone working in a public school is on the government payroll, and they are being used to promote the humanistic agenda of the government;  an agenda that strives to rid the country of the  Biblical authority of parents. Once children have been physically, emotionally and spiritually detached from parental authority and teachings, the state can insert its own teachings. The government can do this by taking our children away from us for what I used to call “the twelve year sentence,”  to teach them in their institutions.

Occasionally, someone will tell me that we “just need to get the textbooks changed over to something  that favours the South.”  Ladies, changing the textbooks will not change the system enough to make a difference in the beliefs of your children. Working within that system usually takes such a long time, that by the time you get the school bureaucracy to abandon a textbook, several semesters of your child’s life, or even several years, have been taken up. This is time used to indoctrinate your child in a system that does not favour the Christian teachings of the family.

Case in point: I found in a stack of books from a prominent, so-called conservative Christian college, a psychology textbook called, “Core Values.”  Curious, I looked through it. I was appalled at the many factual errors and anti-biblical teachings in this textbook, and emailed the psychology department of that school.   The collection of emails I saved from that discourse would astonish you. Many of these people were members of the Lord’s church, teaching in that college. They tried to explain to me, as though I were an ignorant mother, that sometimes we have to allow our children to read bad things, to test their faith and see if they can stand up to false teaching.  I saw absolutely nothing in their curriculum that challenged the students to do that. I only saw the test questions, which  were reviews of the chapters of this vile textbook, a textbook which had cost each student over $60.00.   Some of the professors wrote that I just needed to “relax” and not to be so legalistic or judgmental.  They would not answer my questions and they would not admit that so many portions of this book were absolutely vile.

By persistence, my family and I were able to get the textbook removed. However, although we began at the beginning of a term, it was not removed until end of the college year. So, in the meantime, all those students were indoctrinated or spiritually influenced by that textbook.  Some professors told me that it was the student’s job to complain about the books, and not the members of the church, or the parents. My observation was that no young person attended the college with any intention of making waves within the school. They just wanted to pass their courses and get out of there. The college expected students to find error, instead of taking responsibility to teach against error. I went through the textbook and wrote in coloured pen a scripture to refute just about every thing in this book. That way, if it got thrown in the trash and someone picked it up, or if it was re-sold in a student garage sale, someone would be at least equipped to refute its false teachings.

I have cited a personal experience with a prominent Christian college in the South, but Southern mothers should not make the mistake of thinking that grade schools and high schools are any less dangerous to the minds of our children and to the beliefs of the Southerns.  Even if all the courses and books were in favor of your religion and your family customs, there is still the problem that the children are taken away from the care of the parents during the most productive time of the day. I have heard mothers say, “I know it is a bad school, but I just pray for my children, and then teach them what is right when they come home, after school.”  Don’t you know that the school has taken the best part of their minds during the most teachable time of the day?  If you are sending your children to public school, you are getting the left-overs of your children’s lives.

In the story of Mary and Martha, in Luke chapter 10, verse 42,  Jesus said,  “Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” The “better part” of your child is the spirit. Parents are commanded to train and teach their own children. It is easy to remember the two most prominent scriptures on that subject, just by noting the number 6:-  Dueteronomy 6:6-8 in the Old Testament, (which we used to call “the Old Bible”) and Ephesians 6: 1-10 in the New Testament.  Both passages give parents the duty and responsibility of teaching their own children.  You simply cannot raise up a generation to understand and value the Christian way of life, if they are somewhere else, in the care of someone else, learning the ways of someone else, during the most alert times of the day.

The question is often asked, “How can we help the South to rise again? Where are our Southern folk, ready to take a stand; ready to guide the South back to the old paths, where the good way is?”  The answer is:  they are in their cribs, talking baby talk, waiting for Southern mothers to teach them the right ways.  That will never be accomplished until we get our children out of the public schools. Even if public schools were to suddenly become “good,” they are not safe places for our children. We need to shelter them and teach them ourselves, so that they will grow in the right direction. Farming them out to someone else will not make a great nation.

Read the following quote from “A Nation at Risk,” published in 1983:

If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.

Southerners are over-looking the very place in which their problem lies. There is a foreign nation in our midst, a forgotten nation, that is undermining our history, and controlling the outcome of the next generation.  Each year, the public school graduates thousands of new voters, who have been taught a false view of history and a false view of government. They will become the lawyers and the judges, change agents of the government, who make it intolerable for Christians to practice their faith.  The public schools are the enemy within.

In the 1980’s, it was the mothers that revived the idea of teaching your own children at home. It will be the mothers of the South who will change the south, because their power is in the teaching of kindness on their tongues. The kind teaching will result in the restoration of Southern chivalry and hospitality. It will make the young women sweet and pure and the young men strong and noble; qualities that are essential in building strong families. The public schools cannot fill that order.

There is nothing in the Bible that commands us to have our children educated, but there is plenty of scriptural evidence that we must train them and teach them in the right ways. We cannot express constant dismay and frustration at the lack of interest in restoring the South, if we allow the federal government to take our children for 12 years and take Christian adults and use them as change agents in their system. Southern women have the babies and the children. These women have power over the future of the nation, if they only knew it. The problem is, some people just do not see how something as great as changing or restoring a culture can take place by doing something as simple as teaching children. The government certainly understands this, but the home does not!

The government is not  physically dragging  children from their homes,  into the public schools. The federal government has power over us when we voluntarily get up in the morning and take our children to school.If our children do not take up our spiritual battle, we cannot blame the schools, because we committed our children to those institutions from an early age.  We are do-it-your-self-ers. It is astonishing to see how fervently we say “no” to government intervention in industry and business. Schooling our children is a private and personal matter, that the government has no business in. If  the South is to rise again, it will have to admit it has been disarmed. The children, whom the Bible describes as arrows in the hand of a warrior, must be retrieved from the public schools. They are the future. They can be trained and taught to take a stand for the things the South originally stood for.

For more information on the roots and goals of the government schools, go here.

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The Demise of The Southern Woman Mon, 14 Jun 2010 19:56:14 +0000 Continue reading ]]> In the past, Southern ladies were always looked to as an example of propriety, hospitality, and femininity. It is sad to see them losing their culture. It was a culture that led the way in manners and religion. In the years that the South was referred to as “The Bible Belt,” Southern women led in the teaching of modesty in clothing and behavior to Christian women. It was disappointing to hear Paula Deen speak. On one of her shows, she announced: ” I’m Paula Deen. Y’all want some fried chicken and beer?” On another, she related that she had divorced her first husband, followed by a huge laugh. Perhaps she does not know the enormity of what she represents to the rest of the country. In time of war, it was the Southern women who saved their homes by offering their gentle hospitality to soldiers who might have otherwise burned their property. It was those quiet, gentle, southern women that faithfully taught their children Bible lessons while the men were away. Southern women have always had a strength and determination, and when they use it to preserve the family, and adhere to the principles of the Scriptures, they reach their true glory. The south will never “rise again” until that sweetness and modesty is restored in its women. We recently had a visitor from Louisiana, an elderly man, who said, “You need to stop saying that the western states are a mission field. It is that way in the South, now.”

Please stop by the Home Living Blog for a visit.

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