Confederate Colonel » politics The New Life of The Old South Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:45:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Agrarian Societies and the Common Core Curriculum Thu, 24 Oct 2013 17:02:11 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Bill Whittle, of PJTV, makes an interesting point that tied the change from an agrarian society to an industrial society with the change from traditional education to the Common Core Curriculum. In this video, he points out that government tends to follow the model of society. When we had an agrarian society, we had a widely dispersed, highly decentralized government that pretty much left people alone to live their own lives. When we moved to an industrial society, government changed to reflect that shift toward a centralized, controlling system of government. Mr. Whittle used this to illustrate similar changes to the education system in America and the move to the Common Core Curriculum (a plan designed as a central propaganda system wrapped in a thin veneer of barely acceptable education).

While the primary Confederate Colonel interest in this video is the shift from agrarian to industrial society, he brings an important message about why Common Core must be opposed and stopped. For our part, we choose to home school and completely bypass the government indoctrination system.

In addition, this is a good time to point out another project that I am working on – The New Southern Agrarians. From the home page of The New Southern Agrarians:

What is Southern Agrarianism? Who were the Southern Agrarians and what did they believe? Does Southern Agrarianism have a place in today’s society? More importantly, does Southern Agrarianism show us a better way – a new path to take as we walk away from the rubble of a collapsed civilization built upon that which the Southern Agrarians warned us about? Those questions, and more, are what this web site hopes to answer.

The New Southern Agrarians is little more than what is quoted above at this time. It is, however, something I consider to be an important project and one that I will be working on.

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Opportunity in America – The Trayvon Martin Case Part 2 Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:46:23 +0000 Continue reading ]]>
Photo from NBC News site with the clear intention of distorting the facts of the two men involved.

Photo from NBC News site with the clear intention of distorting the facts of the two men involved. The story was about the distortive effects of those photos.

On March 25, 2012, I wrote a post entitled Mob Rule in America – The Trayvon Martin Case, and have not mentioned it here since that time. With last night’s “Not Guilty” verdict for Mr. Zimmerman, now is the time for a follow-up.

Justice has been done. Anyone who actually listened to the trial rather than listening to the media (i.e., the propaganda branch of the government), knows perfectly well that a verdict of “Not Guilty” was the only just outcome. Given the powerful influences involved, I was highly doubtful that justice would really be served in this trial. I quite literally thank God that it was.

Those calling for “Justice for Trayvon” are really calling for vengeance. One cannot have justice for one party without having justice against the other party. You either have justice or you have injustice. Period.

Justice does not “make things right”. One person is still dead and one person will never again lead a normal life, and given the number of death threats made against George Zimmerman, there is a real possibility that one of those will make good on the threat. It’s a bad situation all around and there is just no getting around that. Justice, however, has been done in that the case was tried according to the rule of law and decided on the facts and the evidence – not on emotions.

What happens next is really more important to the nation than the trial. The wide-spread concern about rioting by Blacks would never be an issue if the roles were reversed. Rioting by Whites just doesn’t happen in cases like this. The Black community has a real opportunity to prove that they have grown and matured, and that they can act in a civilized manner in a civilized country. They have the opportunity to prove the critics wrong. Obama and other Black leaders have the opportunity to show real leadership by admitting that their initial remarks did not serve to defuse the situation, but it must be defused now. The media has the opportunity to back off the rhetoric and the distortions.

Will they? The optimist in me certainly hopes so. The realist in me has serious doubts.

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Leaving The American Sector Tue, 29 Jan 2013 03:15:29 +0000 Continue reading ]]> CheckpointCharlie
Checkpoint Charlie was “ground zero” of the Cold War. On one side was the Western culture known everywhere as “America”. On the other side was the world of razor wire and gun towers, grey concrete buildings, and the complete repression of the human spirit. It was Communism. It was the final destination of the cult of egalitarianism. It was where America is now headed. The sign at Checkpoint Charlie said it all – “Leaving The American Sector”.

Three things come to mind as I consider where this country is headed – and where we are being dragged against our will. The first two are signposts along the way. The last is a look back at the culture and civilization America is leaving behind.

• The ban on women in combat has now been removed. Since the Old Testament days, the idea of sending women into combat was simply unthinkable. For thousands of years of human history, we had the good sense to understand the different roles of men and women in society. No civilized society worthy of the name would even consider such an idea. But then, we no longer are a civilized society, are we? The military is no longer a force to defend against foreign enemies and a deterrent to aggression. With this following in the footsteps of embracing open homosexuals in the military, our armed forces are now just another instrument of social change.

• The Boy Scouts of America have announced that they may lift the ban on homosexual Scouts and Scout leaders. The Boy Scout Oath ends with the words, “To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” Those are words that helped guide untold thousands of young boys into manhood – including myself. Those are words that will no longer have any real meaning if Scouting caves in under the pressure of the Cultural Marxists now in charge. One of the few remaining institutions that stood for what is good and right appears about to crumble.

• In contrast to those two items, our church just finished its 15th annual Bible Conference. One of my roles during the conference is to take photos to post on our church web site. As I snapped photos of the people during this four-day event, I was struck by the stark difference between what I saw there and what is now celebrated as the norm of present-day American “culture.” There were individuals and families (some spanning three generations), the ladies were all dressed modestly, the men were neatly dressed and well groomed. Everyone was as kind and polite as can be. People pitched in to help in any way they could. It was a slice of Norman Rockwell Americana. It was the way life is supposed to be in a civilized Western society.

Find and cherish the enclaves of our culture. Nurture and care for them. We are truly Leaving the American Sector.

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Secession – Act 3 Thu, 29 Nov 2012 19:19:48 +0000 Continue reading ]]>
  • The first act of this play being secession from England.
  • The second act being the secession of the Confederate states in 1861.
  • The third act…
  • More posts on secession.

    Molotov Mitchell is president of the award-winning Illuminati Pictures. His specialty is entertainment communications, particularly reaching the “under 40″ demographic. He is available for speaking engagements through CMG.

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    Don’t Blame Romney – Commentary from The Hay Ride Wed, 07 Nov 2012 20:03:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]> We will get back to the topics that Confederate Colonel was founded on – the culture of the Southern Gentleman and how to pass it on to succeeding generations – in the next day or so. In the mean time, we have just experienced one of the saddest examples of the decline of a culture – and a civilization – ever seen. The decline of the culture and civility is at the very core of Confederate Colonel.

    Don’t Blame Romney, And Don’t Blame The Campaign is the title of an excellent post at The Hay Ride blog. I started to pull out some key quotes, but I ended up quoting nearly the entire article before deciding to limit it to only three paragraphs. Please take a moment to read the original article.

    The current iteration of the Democrat Party is socialist to the core. It isn’t amoral, it’s deliberately immoral. It believes in government-sponsored infanticide, government-sponsored theft, unpatrolled borders, the destruction of the 2nd Amendment, the deliberate destruction of Pax Americana in favor of what can only be envisioned as the rise of a Muslim caliphate and the deliberate destruction of the nuclear family. It believes in the redistribution of wealth rather than its creation, which is perhaps the most offensive concept to the American economic ideal imaginable.
    In four years we will not recognize our country. In four years we will be without any illusions about the fact that we are in an economic depression. And in four years we will have a war – because war typically follows depression.
    Half the country voted against this future. But the other half didn’t. And because, given that choice, they opted for decline and the loss of individual responsibility and freedom.

    H/T to Richard G. Williams of the Old Virginia blog.

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    Understanding The Rules of Power Sun, 04 Nov 2012 20:57:39 +0000 Continue reading ]]>
    In a previous post, I stated flatly that I would not be voting for Romney, but instead would be voting for the Constitution Party candidate because that is who more closely represents my beliefs. The question that guided my decision was to ask myself what is the RIGHT thing to do. As you read through the replies – including my own replies – I moved from that position to saying that I WILL be voting for Romney. This post is where I try to put into words how that decision came about.

    Early in our history, or perhaps it was an illusion all along, we voted for candidates based on their stated position, their background, and other criteria. While those are still the terms in which we discuss elections, it is only a mask for what is really happening.

    America has divided into two very distinct groups. Two diametrically opposed groups with ideas that are completely incompatible, with no room for true compromise. One will be in power and the other will actively oppose anything done by the group in power. The candidate names and the party names are just convenient labels. The two major parties have completely switched roles over the last 150 years, so the only constant is the struggle between the guiding principles of these two groups.

    • One group believes that the individual is responsible for his own material destiny, and that government exists to protect individuals from force or fraud and to provide a basic framework for a civilized society. The same applies on the family level but no further. This group is identified by the labels: conservative, The Right, Republican, libertarian, etc.

    • The other group believes that government exists to ensure fairness and equality. It is an egalitarian system that believes all people have equal talent and ability and drive, and that if results are unequal then it must be because the system is unfair and it is government’s role to make it “fair”. This group believes it is the role of government to redistribute wealth to ensure equal results. This group is identified by the labels: liberal, The Left, Democrat, socialist, etc.

    Since the objective of these two groups is to win a majority of the votes, there is a self-leveling mechanism involved in the party platforms. The Left will move just far enough to the right to try to win a majority, while the Right will move just far enough to the left to try to do the same. If one side won’t move toward the center, then the other side captures those votes and gains power. While the line between the two sides is constantly shifting, it is still a line drawn down the middle resulting in a close election. Landslides are the result of one side failing to read the mood of the country and not adjusting their position accordingly.

    To really understand the difference between these two groups, I look as closely at the people who support them as I do the actual candidates. The liberal side is coarse, crude, vulgar, immoral, and aggressively attacks my most basic beliefs taught by The Bible. They are sometimes referred to as the “Free Stuff Army” and the “Gimme-Dats”. As I imagine my grandchildren living in a world controlled by the liberals, it chills me to the bone. I have a duty to do what I can to keep that from happening. Protecting future generations is one of the most basic obligations of the Southern gentleman.

    The two basic rules of power in America are:
    1) There are only two sides, and they are defined by whether the individual or the government is responsible the individual’s success or failure.
    2) We pick the side that we believe is right and vote for that side. The name of the party or the candidate is just a way to identify which side we believe in.

    So, what is the RIGHT thing to do once one recognizes how this works? My conclusion is that we pick the side we believe is right and vote for that side. That leaves me with only one option – to cast my vote for the conservative side, which in this election is Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan. It is far from a perfect choice, but what in life isn’t?

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    Election Choices – Right, Wrong, or Expedient Sun, 07 Oct 2012 02:51:05 +0000 Continue reading ]]> I will not be voting for Mitt Romney.

    That statement has lead to several rather passionate discussions from friends and relatives who are well-informed and truly want to do the right thing, and I respect and appreciate their efforts. That, however, changes nothing.

    Every four years, America goes through The Most Important Election In History. I should have noticed this earlier, but it has taken me just a few months short of sixty years to realize that it is ALWAYS “The Most Important Election In History”.

    At some point, we need to come to the realization that life is not segmented into four year terms. People fail to take the long term view because they have no tolerance short term sacrifice. When you take the long view, sometimes that means that bad men get into office; it is also true that they might well do some serious and irreversible damage. Doing what is right is seldom a painless endeavor.

    Let me note here that I have been a bit more than just a passive observer of the political process, although there is no need to repeat the details in this post. I am not some dreamy kid with an idealized “vision” that is out of touch with reality. I understand that politics involves compromise – but I also understand that voting does not, or at least it should not.

    • Florida is shaping up to be a key battleground state for this upcoming presidential election. Obama and Romney are dead even in the polls.
    • In a race this close, every vote is important.
    • Obama is not only doing an extremely bad job as President, he is working directly counter to everything that has made America such a remarkable nation in history. He is working to destroy America.

    With all that said, I will not be voting for Romney – even if I could somehow know that my one vote would make the difference in this election. I will be voting for a candidate who has no realistic chance to win. I will be voting for the Constitution Party candidate, Virgil Goode. Now, for the purpose of this discussion, his platform is not important; the same arguments would apply to any number of other minor party candidates.

    Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
    — John Adams

    What drives your choice in an election? Our entire system of government was designed around the idea that people would vote for the person who best represented what they honestly wanted in their leadership. It was assumed that a morally upright and honorable people would make such choices.

    There were no political parties when the Constitution was written. The two party system developed because it is very effective at what it does: it allows a powerful elite to select our political leadership. From the voters’ perspective it is like going to a car lot filled with every make and model imaginable, yet being told you must choose between the blue car and the red car – of the same model. And from that experience, people cast their vote and then walk away believing that they have chosen their leaders. Amazing.

    Here are three short videos that may help shed some light on why I am voting for a minor-party candidate who cannot possibly win, yet one who represents what I am looking for in leadership for this country. They are also about why I will not be voting for Romney – and those are two different issues.

    For more on the moral requirement that we vote for the candidate we truly believe would be the best leader (no matter which party they represent), please see the Lost Causes post.

    For a more practical-oriented discussion, see “Voting Strategy 2004 – When The Lesser of Two Evils Is No Longer An Option” – a document I wrote in 2004. This covers some of the practical (i.e., expedient) reasons for voting for a minor party candidate – if that is who you believe is the best choice. You may want to take a few minutes to read it.

    As a closing note, Alan Keyes (featured in the first two videos) served as an ambassador under Ronald Reagan and was a presidential candidate in 1996, 2000, and 2008. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak when I was a delegate to the Republican state convention in Florida. Ambassador Keyes is truly a remarkable man who loves his country. He was the only candidate at that convention who received a standing ovation. He was wildly popular among many of the delegates, yet the media shamefully treated him as though he were just the janitor sweeping the floors. Why? Because he was not the chosen one. He was not the man who the party leadership had decided would be the nominee. He was ignored by the media, just as Ron Paul was ignored in this election.

    10/18/2012 – Edited to add: I didn’t write this post because I think I have all the answers (though at times I wrongly think I do), so I’m still making an honest effort to sort this out and do what is right. Please be sure to read the replies before leaving a reply. Constructive criticism and comments are deeply appreciated. Most folks follow the crowds like robotic drones; there are very few of us who truly agonize over the question of what is the right thing to do. Thank you.

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    What Does Tolerance Mean? Wed, 08 Aug 2012 00:42:49 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The Mad Monarchist blog is a part of my regular reading. Its masthead says, “They cannot understand as yet that we are not fighting a political party but a sect of murderers of all contemporary culture” – a statement that neatly sums up a major theme here at Confederate Colonel. I have made no secret of the fact that I believe that monarchy – or some form of government based on the principles of monarchy – would be far preferable to the mob rule that allegedly governs America. That is not the purpose of this post though, so we will continue that line of discussion another time.

    The Mad Monarch’s August 5 post lays out one of the best analyses I have seen yet about the current controversy over homosexual “marriage”. While it completely skips over the most important reason against it – the Biblical truth that it is a sin that God calls “an abomination” – that is also what makes it so good, since it holds up in even the most secular of arguments.

    I have copied some of the key points below, but please be sure to read the full post to get the most from it.

    The whole nature of this argument frankly baffles me. By long established tradition “marriage” is defined as the permanent union of one man and one woman. Now, a vocal minority wants to change that definition and when anyone complains about that or voices opposition the retort is that you are being discriminatory by not treating them just like everyone else. What? I’m confused. Of course they are being treated different than everyone else because their behavior is different from that of everyone else. If they were behaving just like everyone else there would be no reason to change the definition in the first place.

    In any event, some want their relationships to have the same legal status as that of other legally married people. Why? You don’t need the government to make a commitment to someone and you don’t need the government to give you a license to behave as you please in your own home. The only reason I can see is that these people want government recognition, sanction and effectively the “blessing” of the government of this country which rules on behalf of “we the people”. And that is where I am forced to get involved -forced- in something I have no desire to. By my vote and by my words they want me, through my government and personally if they ever met me, to say what they’re doing is okay. That is what it comes down to. They don’t just want me to let them do it, they want me, through our representative government, to officially and publicly approve of them doing it. I cannot. I will not.

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    The Cultural Destruction of England Sat, 21 Jul 2012 21:19:20 +0000 Continue reading ]]> The forces that are working to destroy Southern culture are certainly not unique in the world. Similar attacks on nations and cultures have been happening in many places that were once solidly Western European culture.

    The BBC broadcast a documentary titled Rivers of Blood. It begins with one man – Enoch Powell – using his position of leadership to warn his countrymen of the grave threat they face as the gathering storm begins to assail English culture and turn England into a land completely alien to those who inherited one of the greatest nations on earth. He warned that England was losing her sense of national identity, the shared values and traditions and history, the common thread that unites the English as a people. When Mr. Powell made his “Rivers of Blood” speech forty years ago, the term “political correctness” had not yet been coined, but that is what was at work

    The force that destroyed England was a political establishment that used uncontrolled immigration as a weapon. Most nations can absorb small numbers of immigrants from other cultures without damaging the existing culture. In small numbers, immigrants are assimilated into the culture as long as they are not concentrated in certain areas. In large numbers, immigrants become an invading and occupying army. From there, they spread their influence beyond their enclaves of occupation.

    The forces that are destroying our once-great land are not new and our experience is not unique. What is happening now in places like Dearborn, Michigan may soon be happening across the country – including our beloved South. The question is – will we recognize the threat and take action to stop it?









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    Romney on The Confederate Flag Sat, 14 Jul 2012 14:50:12 +0000 Continue reading ]]> While I would not advocate making the display of Confederate symbols into a national campaign issue, it is a very clear indication of how one views the people of The South, Southern heritage, and Southern culture. While Barack Hussein Obama is aggressively hostile to Southerners, the Massachusetts-native nominee of the party of Lincoln has made his beliefs known also.

    I have no winning alternative to offer, but well over a decade ago, I stopped voting for the “lesser of two evils” and cast my vote for Constitution Party candidates. I would ask that you take another look at the post titled, “Lost Causes” when considering what you will do on election day. Is your one vote really going to make a difference in the outcome? No, of course not. Then why would you be willing to give your vote to anyone other than a candidate who you truly believe is the man best qualified to lead the nation in the way you believe it should be lead?

    A Southern gentleman does what is RIGHT – not what is expedient. Our ancestors fought for the Lost Cause because it was the right thing to do. We have a noble heritage to uphold. Voting should be a moral decision not a political decision.

    Edited to add:
    For another perspective on why voting your conscience makes practical, real-world sense, read “Voting Strategy 2004 – When the Lesser of Two Evils is No Longer An Option“. Although this was written for the 2004 election, the principles still apply. In the interest of disclosure, I played a major role in writing this document.

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