Enoch Powell

Preserving the culture is one of the dominant themes on Confederate Colonel. It is helpful to see what has gone on in Britain regarding efforts to retain the culture of the nation, and what happens when those efforts fail due to treasonous politicians and the mass media.

Enoch Powell, who rose through the ranks of the British Army from Private to Brigadier at the age of thirty-two, served as a Conservative in the House of Commons. His “Rivers of Blood” speech took direct aim at the open immigration and multi-culturalism that would end up destroying the once-great culture of England. America is following close behind.

For more information on this fascinating and courageous man, see the Enoch Powell web site.

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 1

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 2

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 3

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 4

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 5

BBC Program, Rivers of Blood Part 6

Interview with Enoch Powell, 1977