Preserving The Language – Preserving The Culture

This is a video about the efforts to preserve the Scottish Gaelic language. These are people who truly understand the importance of preserving a culture. Some would say, “It’s only an obsolete language – get into the 21st century.” Those are the same people who would say to us, “It’s only a flag. You lost. Get over it.”

The young lady who is the focus of this short video clip is a Highland dancer who lives in Ness on the Scottish isle of Lewis. Some good quotes from the sub-titles:

I feel that Gaelic gives us an identity as a people.

When I dance I feel connected to my place of birth.

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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