SCV Video – Regional Differences

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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7 Responses to SCV Video – Regional Differences

  1. Thank you so much for posting this, as it is a very good summary of those cultural differences. Before the war, Southern senators warned congress about the increasing humanism and secularization that was entering the culture.

    I have had interesting visitor from South Africa, where communists are using some of the same tactics as the federal govt did to take over the region. S.A. is rich in minerals, and the civilization there is almost broken down as a result of the pressures. I have written about the things he told us that Americans must do, here

  2. Thank you, Lydia. I read that when you first posted it and I saw the ominous parallels between what happened in South Africa and the trends here in America. The entire history of the African continent has been one of tragic brutality and the absolute worst that can possibly come from the human soul. It took a sharp turn downward since the collapse of colonialism and continues with the brutal treatment of the White farmers who have not yet left or been killed.

    Laura and I function as a mission board for two missionaries to the West African nation of Sierra Leone, so we get a close-up view of what that place is really like – not how the leftists say it is. The “Dark Continent” is truly a spiritually dark place, and it is filled with souls who desperately need to hear and receive The Gospel.

    Since you titled that one “Part 1″, I am eagerly awaiting future installments. Lydia’s Home Living blog is a part of my regular reading schedule (I use Google Reader to make sure that I don’t miss anything), and I highly recommend it to all who visit us here at Confederate Colonel.

  3. Austin says:

    All of this and more is corraborated in Prof. David Hackett Ficsher’s excellent book, “Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways In America”. It adds that much of the South’s leadership came from the descendants of English Cavaliers who sought exile in the Virginia Tidewater following the Puritan takeover of Britain. The descendants of the two antagonists of the English Civil War thus fought again here.

  4. Austin says:

    I would also add that Prof. Hackett-Ficsher’s book describes the South as a mix of Anglican gentlemen of aristocratic English descent who occupied the professional , planter, and military officer classes and a mixed breed of Protestant North Britons [Scots, Scots-Irish, Welsh, and Northern English] who came to represent the backwoods farmer and frontiersman and who made up the bulk of the Confederate Army’s manpower.

  5. I did read some history of South Africa and how the Boers (Dutch farmers) settled it 400 years ago, making farmland from the central arid area that no one occupied.

  6. VA says:

    Good video. However I have one small quibble with the statement that the great majority of Southron people originated from Scotland and Ireland. I know this has become a popular belief in recent years, probably in great part due to Grady McWhiney’s work and perhaps David Hackett Fischer’s Albion’s Seed. But I question whether there is any solid documentation of that.

  7. VA,
    I haven’t looked into it in detail but I’ll have to keep my eyes open for further information on that. My own family came here from Scotland, and I recall being at a Scottish Highland Games and stopping at one of the Clan tents after seeing their clan flag based on the Confederate Battle Flag. That is when I first became aware of the Scottish/Southern connection.

    Regardless of the numbers and the demographics of it, I suspect that a good bit of the Celtic culture fell by the wayside as they adapted to a new life in a new world. Why Southerners developed or held on to Southern culture would be fascinating study.

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