Slavery Today – For All Those Who Believe

For all those who believe that slavery=The South.
For all those who believe that slavery is Whites owning Blacks.
For all those who believe that slavery ended with the conquest of the Southern states by the North.
For all those who believe that Islam is the “religion of peace”.
For all those who believe those lies, the truth can be painful – but it is still the truth.

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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2 Responses to Slavery Today – For All Those Who Believe

  1. James says:

    Dear Sirs,
    Whereas the Saudi Arabian-dominated Islam of today, is far from a “religion of peace”, the Islam of Bosnia and Kosova-Kosovo is an exception. Very few of the Muslims of the Balkans are of the Salafi sect, dominant in Saudi Arabia (the Muslims of the former Jugoslavia and Albania are of the Hanafi and to a lesser extent, the Bektashi, groupings). Yours truly, was there as a civilian, in the summers of 2000 and 2001, and “walked with the people”, as they say in the Balkans, interacting with Muslim Bosnians and Albanians, as well as Catholic Croats and Albanians, and Christian Orthodox Serbs. The Muslims of the Balkans are incomparably closer to the Christians of Europe, than to the Muslims of Asia and Africa.
    Thank you.
    A New Jersey Copperhead

  2. Old Rebel says:

    Great find! I wish every smug liberal could see this video — if they were as open-minded as they pretend, it would change a lot of minds.

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