Exile or Ambassador?

How does a Southern gentleman deal with an unavoidable move to a place far from Dixie? I have heard from several Southern gentlemen who have found themselves, for one reason or another, living deep among the Northern people. Being Southern gentlemen, simply assimilating into the Northern culture is not an option. They have to choose between two alternatives – being an exile or an ambassador. My hope is that every Southern Gentleman who finds himself in that situation will choose the role of ambassador.

Webster’s Dictionary defines an ambassador as:

a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or soverign as the resident representative of his own government or sovereign…
an unofficial representative.

That, sirs, is the role that should be assumed. Being a Southern ambassador does not mean criticizing Northern culture, nor does it mean boasting of the superiority of Southern culture. It means being a Southern gentleman

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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3 Responses to Exile or Ambassador?

  1. Mark Slater says:

    I have lived in Colorado most of my life, yet I feel my Southern roots strongly. While the West (the REAL West) is not inhospitable to the ways of the South (The West was settled largely by Southerners) there are distinct differences from the South:

    1. Lack of a genuine, cohesive culture
    2. Further removed from Christianity (there is a reason that the West (exc. Okla and Texas) is not thought of as “The Bible Belt”

    My advice for a Southern pioneer venturing away from Dixie?

    1. Seek out others of your own kind, culturally, politically, spiritually; a good place to do this is a local church, faithful to the Gospel (see next point). Eventually you may form your own little diffuse “community”.
    2. Attend a good, Biblically-grounded Church. There are many of these around. Be discerning.
    3. Mind your manners, as a good Southerner ought, even when those about you forget theirs or haven’t any in the first place.
    4. Be happy and prosperous. Have [many] children who are taught Southern ways and heritage.
    5. Don’t complain about the weather. Winters tend to be more severe outside of Dixie, and if you complain about that, the Yankees may take you for a whiner and a weakling.
    6. Be friendly and courteous to your Yankee acquaintances. They may in time look up to you and thereby honor Dixie.
    7. Insist on standard iced tea, not the Yankee version (unsweetened).
    8. Never be ashamed of your Southern roots. Remember, you have a vital culture and heritage, the Yankee often does not.
    9. Consider any place your boots touch as “Southern Soil”.

    Who knows, this may spread, and Dixie might have its own version of “Manifest Destiny”!

  2. I wish I could think of something to add to your list, but I can’t. Thank you for putting flesh on the bones of the original post.

    Colorado is surely a better place for having a Southern Ambassador there. I look forward to seeing more comments from you on other posts.

  3. Mark Slater says:

    Why thank you, Pard’ner! Glad I could contribute; and I surely look forward to the continuing wisdom of “The Confederate Colonel”.

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