Bright Sunny South

Bright Sunny South is a hauntingly beautiful ballad of The South. While believed to have its roots in Celtic culture, its origins are uncertain, with some attributing it to a folks song from Nova Scotia. There are several versions of the lyrics, but those shown below are the most widely known. The video features a rendition performed by Bittersweet and Briers.

From the bright sunny South to the war, I was sent,
E’er the days of my boyhood, I scarcely had spent.
From it’s cool shady forests and deep flowing streams,
Ever fond in my mem’ry, ever sweet in my dreams.

Oh, my dear little sister, I still see her tears.
When I had to leave home in our tender years.
And my sweet gentle mother, so dear to my heart,
It grieved me sincerely when we had to part.

Said my kind-hearted father as he took my hand:
“As you go in defense of our dear native Land,
“Son, be brave but show mercy whenever you can.
“Our hearts will be with you, ’til you return again.”

In my bag there’s a Bible to show me the way,
Through my trials here on earth and to Heaven some day.
I will shoulder my musket and brandish my sword,
In defense of this Land and the word of the Lord.

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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3 Responses to Bright Sunny South

  1. Lisa says:

    I have never heard that song, and still didn’t listen to it actually – I read the lyrics, and it almost brought me to tears. Beautiful!

  2. Lisa, that song had the same effect on me. After finding this one, I looked for other renditions of it, but this one is my favorite. The penny whistle and the voices go so well together, and the words and the music bring to mind a simpler, more honest time. If Southern Agrarianism had an anthem – this would be it. Thank you, ma’am, for stopping by and visiting.

  3. Watching the video again showed me something that I hadn’t noticed before: The first image is a painting by Don Troiani, titled Bronze Guns and Iron Men. The young man depicted on horseback in the painting is my cousin, Lt. Colonel John Pelham. John Pelham’s mother was a McGehee. Lisa, thank you for your part in allowing me to notice that.

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