Tag Archives: etiquette

7 Lessons on Appearance

The Art of  Manliness blog should be on every Southern gentleman’s regular reading list. The post titled 7 Lessons on Appearance Learned in the Marine Corps is a classic.  Here are the article’s 7 points: Your personal presentation is important … Continue reading

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Robert E. Lee’s Chivalry – AOM post

Today’s post in Art of Manliness is a story about Robert E. Lee: General Robert E. Lee was on his way to Richmond, and was seated in the extreme end of a railroad car, every seat of which was occupied. … Continue reading

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Lee-Jackson and CSA Day Dinners

The Lee-Jackson Dinner is a tradition celebrated by SCV and UDC groups – but it need not be limited to that. Why not have your own Lee-Jackson Dinner at home? Robert E. Lee’s birthday is on January 19, and Stonewall … Continue reading

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The Illusive Archtype of the Southern Gentleman

by Tom Horton Mr. Horton has been kind enough to grant us permission to reprint the article in its entirety. He is the great-grandson of Pvt. Lawrence Churchill Jones of the Kershaw Brigade that watched the gallant Pelham (my first … Continue reading

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Some Quotes about Manners

A general rule of etiquette is that one apologizes for the unfortunate occurrence, but the unthinkable is unmentionable. Judith Martin (“Miss Manners”) Manners are of more importance than laws…. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or … Continue reading

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Paying Attention to Posture

Just a “thought for the day”, if you will. I find myself having to regularly focus on maintaining good posture. It does not come naturally for me – I have to remain conscious of the need to sit and stand … Continue reading

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Making Introductions Like a Gentleman

The Art of Manliness has long been a favorite blog on my daily reading list. Wednesday’s post was Making Introductions Like a Gentleman, and it is a must-read post. The post goes into enough detail about how to do this … Continue reading

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Respect for The Dead

I attended the funeral of my cousin a while back. It was held at a small Baptist church in the middle of farming country here in the rural part of Florida. As the funeral procession drove from the church to … Continue reading

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Some Notes on Southern Manners and Etiquette

Here are various matters of manners that I found on the web and by just asking people about the topic of Southern manners and etiquette. • Funerals – Stop and pull over for a funeral procession unless doing so would … Continue reading

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Those Who Set an Example

While much of what we learn comes from reading, it is from observing those who set a good example that we get the most understanding. What person has had the most influence on you regarding Southern Hospitality, manners, and etiquette? … Continue reading

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