Monarchy as Government

I have, for some time, wondered if perhaps the first fatal mistake that was made in American government was when George Washington declined the offer to become king rather than president. A recent post at The Monarchist blog makes some good points about monarchy and America.

You can get rid of a monarchy, you cannot ever get rid of the reason for monarchy. Part of that reason, somewhat lamentably to traditionalists, is the glossy-magazine aspect. There is a great swath of the people, even in the most advanced nations, that seek to live vicariously through the tabloid media. This is nothing new, though the nature of modern media has made the process far more rapacious. The peasants gossiping about their monarch’s personal affairs was not then a vast and profitable industry.

It is one of the beneficial features of monarchy, especially one so well established and conservative as ours, is that it can direct this rather prurient interest toward, generally, more worthy objects. In the American Republic the fascination with the rich and famous tends to settle on Hollywood celebrities, among the most vapid creatures ever to draw breadth upon creation. There is not in that soulless place a stern matriarch calling her progeny, with varying degrees of success, back upon the path of relative decency. Hollywood: Nothings seeking to be exalted above the nil in a vast nowhere.

The great dig against the monarchy is that its operatives, if we may call the Royal Family that, have not earned their position. True. They have at the very least been taught how to behave like civilized human beings in public. A behavioural trait that is frequently missing among the “earned” elite of the modern media. Breeding isn’t everything. Neither is a specious understanding of merit.

(Emphasis mine)

I have often thought that a Constitutional Monarchy is a superior form of government to what we have now in America. What we have now is something slightly more civilized than mob rule – but not by much.  We have legal protections – in writing – but they are routinely and increasingly ignored, much as they were under the old Soviet Union.

Here in American, we pretend that a nation is made up of geographical boundaries and laws. There is no mention of and no protection for that which truly defines a nation – the people and the culture of those people. Having a monarchy does not, of course, prevent a culture from losing its identity. The once-great England is a prime example of how to have a monarchy and still destroy a nation. England has ceased to exist as a nation – it is now over-run with immigrants who bring with them their own cultures that are at war with what used to be English culture. I am not familiar enough with the political system of Britain to even start to understand where things went wrong, but if the monarchy had taken seriously their responsibility to maintain the culture instead of wanting to be liked by Marxists, I am confident that things would be quite different there now. A constitutional monarchy is certainly not without its own set of problems, but it is a system that has the potential to be the best form of government possible when it comes to governing  a nation containing fewer and fewer men of moral courage, wisdom, and a fear of God.

The Old South, with its aristocratic traditions, would have been far more sympathetic to a constitutional monarchy – or at least a clear recognition of the importance of culture and the people that make up the Southern nation. I am quite confident that had the Confederate States survived as a political entity, mass immigration would not have been permitted as it has under the Kennedy-led assault on American culture beginning with the Immigration Act of 1965.

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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2 Responses to Monarchy as Government

  1. Carolina Lady says:

    As a proud Southerner and Anglophile, I want to thank you for this post; I have to admit that I sometimes wish we had a monarchy. I’m really enjoying your website!

  2. Thank you, ma’am.

    I was just thinking about the topic this morning as I pondered the rapid decline of our society – both here in America and in Europe. Looking at the election results in France and Greece, it is clear that people – the mass of people – have little regard for anything beyond their immediate wants and desires. There is no longer a sense of duty to sacrifice now in order for the next generation to have a better life.

    Our second grandson was born last Saturday, and I was curious as to how the national debt will affect him. According to the calculation by the government’s own figures, his lifetime share of the national debt is $1,532,026. My share (calculated by date of birth) is $141,209.

    What does all this have to do with monarchy? It is clear that the mass of people – or rather, those who vote – do not have the will power to make the right decisions. I mean “right” as in doing what is right for the nation and for their posterity. They simply vote for whoever will provide them with the most goodies that someone else will have to pay for. A monarchy is one solution to that. Another solution (equally abhorrent to our egalitarian society) is to restrict the right to vote. My own proposal? I would limit voting to male heads of a household who own property, are not employed by the government, and do not accept any government “benefits”. The husband casts one vote that represents the entire family. The idea here is to put the power in the hands of those whose interests most closely align with what should be the national interests. I sense a post on this topic…

    Again, thanks for writing, Carolina Lady.

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