In a recent comment, James (“A New Jersey Copperhead”) said something that begs for further discussion. He said:
The Confederate Colonel Project is one of the few forums where one can still oppose the presently dominating egalitarianism, and defend our principles, without immediate condemnation.
That is one of the highest compliments we could receive. So often, I see “disclaimers” on blogs and websites proclaiming that “this is not a racist site”, or “no hate allowed”, or “no hate speech permitted”, or any of a number of variations on the theme. Why do so many people feel obligated to bow down at the altar of political correctness to preface everything with such remarks? Why does virtually every single Tea Party event bend over backwards to “prove” that race has absolutely nothing to do with their objectives? Why are Blacks put “front and center” in such organizations when their numbers are statistically insignificant? And the more important question – Why are Blacks able to talk about important issues that a White could not without being physically thrown off the podium?
You will note that none of these so-called “disclaimers” can be found here at the Confederate Colonel project – nor are they needed. You will also find that all discussions of egalitarianism and racial matters are done in a fair and impartial and honorable manner. There is one reason for that: we strictly adhere to the words of Robert E. Lee to his students at Washington College (later renamed to Washington and Lee) :
We have but one rule here, and it is that every student be a gentleman.
That was Lee’s Golden Rule – that every man be a gentleman. That means that we speak the truth, but always do so in a fair and considerate way that does not needlessly hurt another. Robert E. Lee’s classic Definition of a Gentleman goes into further detail:
“The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly — the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.”
We will, at all times, do our best to follow the example and the words of Mr. Lee in everything that appears on Confederate Colonel – both in the posts and in the reply comments. If everyone followed that advice, there would be no need for any “disclaimers” and places like this would no longer be an island in a sea of crude and thoughtless words.
I am using racial matters to illustrate the point, but it applies to any topic that we might cover here. In all we do – no matter what the topic may be – our adherence to both the example of Robert E. Lee, and the wisdom found in The Holy Bible will be our guide. Much of what we discuss here is rejected and hated by the vast majority of the world. That’s OK. Our purpose is not to be popular, but to be right. Throughout history, the one consistent theme in every society is that the majority never stands for what is right and just and good. It is our intent to not stand with that majority, but to always do what is right and just and good. We may fail at times, but that is our goal.
Let me also take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all who comment here and do so in the manner of Robert E. Lee. It is a privilege and an honor to be associated with you.
LOL. Your grandiosity tickles me.
I’m glad you got a laugh out of this, but you’ll probably find more amusement by going back to watching your cable TV and playing your video games. This was never intended for those such as yourself.
Ummm, Steve, was that intended as an insult? Because, I gotta tell ya, homie, that’s some weak sauce. I realize I’m way over-educated for this post, and it was not intended for me, so I do apologize, but you see, this is what happens when you put stuff up on them Interwebs. People get to, you know, see it, and stuff. Them interwebs is a fascinatin’ thing, I do declare!
I recall encountering some of Dan’s commentary on a previous post. It was of a similar caliber. Seems to me I mentioned that in a reply following it – although I’ve forgotten what that particular post concerned.
Regardless of that, given the overall tenor and quality of his remarks, I find it both interesting and puzzling that he is among those that follow this blog. He’s certainly free to do so, at least in my opinion. I just don’t understand the point of it. I don’t want to make much of this. I think over-attention to Dan would be counter-productive but it’s nice to see that the subject of manners interests him even though the substance may, at times, escape him.
Keep up the good work, Colonel.
Peter Kelley
Mountain City, TN
Thank you, sir.
At times, I think about actually replying to those sorts of comments (beyond what I did here), but then decide against doing so. At least “dan” (and presumably others like him who don’t comment) are reading this. Perhaps some day it will make a connection and then a change. Things change with age – as a teenager, my thought process was very different than it is now at age 58.
Unless a comment uses profane or obscene language, or is “over the top” obnoxious and annoying, it gets published. I can only think of one, or maybe two, comments that I have not published. “We reserve the right to hold our critics to lower standards.”
Dear Sirs,
Refering to the words in this post, “…the majority never stands for what is right and just and good.”, humankind is generally, selfish, short-sighted and cowardly, and hence, easily and negatively manipulated. Popular majority-rule is mob rule. However, there are people, that tend not to have these traits. It is from this elite, that true progressives emerge to more or less maintain an equilibrium, whether one sees the world as half empty or half full.
A New Jersey Copperhead
Dear Sirs,
The conduct of “dan” is such as to make me sigh in resigned exasperation. In a sense, I pity him. No doubt he is more the victim than the perpetrator of the foolish mindset he espouses. I am reminded of the devil Screwtape in C.S. Lewis’s classic Screwtape Proposes A Toast, speaking in the voice of one for whom democracy has become not just a favored political system but a whole philosophy of life:
““Here is someone who speaks English rather more clearly and euphoniously than I — it must be a vile, upstage, la-di-da affectation.”
I cannot help but notice that it is common among our critics to consider our ability to write in an elevated style somehow a sign of arrogance, or in some other way negative. It never ceases to perplex me that they would consider facility with one’s language something to be derided, but such is the Left.
Samuel C. Starrett
The Rambling Royalist
I suppose it still surprises people that, unlike the Hollywood stereotypes, not all Southerners are knuckle-dragging, illiterate rednecks. It just rubs some people the wrong way to learn that real life is quite different from what Hollywood tells them.
Dear Mr. Starrett,
Many who see themselves as “leftist” and/or “very liberal”, see manners as “bull…” , as well. Yours truly, is recalling words heard and read at the University of California at Santa Cruz in the late 1980’s, an institution as much opposed to our principles and historiography, as any, except perhaps U.C. Berkeley(the alma mater of yours truly is U.C. Santa Cruz). Opening a door for a co-ed did not go well either, and there was more, but you get the picture. As the sons and daughters of the Hippies of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, yours truly should have expected this.
A New Jersey Copperhead
Mr. McGehee,
A very good post, and I agree completely with your sentiments. The quotes from that great Christian gentleman, Robert E. Lee, are very apposite.
Just stumbled across this blog. I am very impressed! As a 30 year old, colonial British descended farm boy from Texas it is nice to come across someone who knows how to “speak the truth in love”, like a gentleman… like we used to. Truth and love can conquer all. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for stopping by, Mr. Hale – and thank you for the kind words. I hope to see more comments from you in the future.