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About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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6 Responses to No Comment Needed

  1. Brian M. says:

    Agreed. Horrible. I used to believe that Obama was out of touch with the country, but it appears perhaps that it is I who is disconnected. How this man could win the popular vote is shocking to me. I guess when you get a significant portion of the population dependent on handouts and “entitlements” this kind of outcome should not surprise anyone.

  2. The first time could have been chalked up as childish infatuation. After four years demonstrating his true agenda, this time it’s for real. The country is truly split, and folks like us are now officially in the cross-hairs – not so much of the government (although that is certainly true), but of the popular culture. That split is not a gentlemanly “let us agree to disagree” but a genuine adversarial split.

    The Bible shows us that God puts men in power not just to bless those who love Him, but to punish those who turn their backs on Him.

    I suppose the one good thing about this is that history will clearly show who was at the helm when it all came crashing down.

  3. Jose says:

    The picture says it all! I too at times find myself with my hands on my face wondering what the hell is going to happen next to America. I agree with Brian above that the American people are out of touch with reality. Both leaders offered nothing in the way of saving a country from the utter implosion that is going to happen now or in the future. These people never realize that those leaders are not looking out for you, they are looking for the ones that pay cash. Why do you think nothing gets done in politics everything is half ass.

    Instead people are cheering and crying because they know their government checks will be safe for another four years. While the working man struggles yet again for another 4 years so that his hard earned money is taken away from him or her and given to others as hand me outs. Is that fair? Is being ignorant what our so called leaders want?

    People are unemployed, the economy is in shambles, cost of living keeps going up and still they dance around without a care in the world. Sometimes i feel like I’m living in a country full of children who would rather pretend than see reality. who would rather believe a lie than face discomfort when the truth is told to them.

    Ignorant and dumb is what people are today.

  4. Real Virginian says:

    I just wanted to say that Virginia is better than what happened – I wish there were a Constitutional provision for forcing Yankee-overrun northern Virginia to join Washington D.C.

    Also, November 7 is the anniversary of a Union victory (1861) and my relative’s death in an inhuman Union P.O.W. camp (1864). This is truly a dark day.

  5. A dark day, indeed. It will take another post or two before I can get back to why we started Confederate Colonel.

  6. 2 Thes 2:10-11 speaks of the delusion that comes over people when they reject the truth and intentionally embrace the lie. Once they have made the choice to believe a lie, God himself gives them more of what they want, and they become incapable of seeing a lie, even if it is screaming in their faces.

    I firmly believe that this is where the society of the USofA stands.

    and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false…

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