Is Obama God’s Servant?


Sam Gipp sends out a regular newsletter from “Friend To Churches Ministries”. His December 2012 issue was titled, We LOST, Deal With It!. While all of it was interesting, one paragraph caught my eye. It is something that I had heard before and thought about, but his explanation was concise:

…Obama may well be God’s man! God called Nebuchadnessar, the King of Babylon, who dashed Jewish babies to death in the streets “my servant” (Jer. 25:9 and 43:10). He was God’s “anointed” instrument to carry out His judgement on a people who had become “worse than the heathen.” We are an arrogant, unrepentant people. Barak Obama may well be the man God has chosen to punish this nation. If he is, then there is no fighting against him.

Is Obama really sent by God to punish America for her arrogance, the slaughter of innocents, the acceptance and glorification of homosexuality, the slash-and-burn attacks on any public display of Christianity? I certainly don’t have the answer to that one, but from a Biblical view, I can see nothing that says he is not. God says of His chosen people, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” (Genesis 12:3). America has not only turned her back on Israel and promoted her enemies, America has elected and re-elected a man who at the very least is highly sympathetic to Islam – the sworn enemy of the Hebrew People.

While it would clearly be a matter of conjecture, I see nothing to indicate that Obama is NOT sent to punish America and preside over her downfall. What does that mean to those of us who identify more closely with our Southern heritage than with what American society is today? Again, I have no real answer; however, a good start would be to make sure that our families are shielded from the wickedness that surrounds us and instill in them an appreciation for classical Southern culture.

About Stephen Clay McGehee

Born-Again Christian, Grandfather, husband, business owner, Southerner, aspiring Southern Gentleman. Publisher of The Confederate Colonel and The Southern Agrarian blogs. President/Owner of Adjutant Workshop, Inc., Vice President - Gather The Fragments Bible Mission, Inc. (Sierra Leone, West Africa), Webmaster - Military Order of The Stars and Bars, Kentucky Colonel.
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4 Responses to Is Obama God’s Servant?

  1. john says:

    Just found your blog and was enjoying it until this post…how on earth can you sit there and repeat the absurd lie that the ‘jew’ is/are God’s chosen?!?!? …[some content removed by SCM]
    Please sir, reconsider. Think for yourself. And reclaim not only your Southron Heritage but your heritage as the true and living descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Only then will we be restored as a nation.

  2. John,
    I won’t try to refute what you wrote, simply because that is far beyond what we’re trying to do here. I will say, however, that I hold the KJV Bible as the literal word of God – without question or reservation.

    You said, “Think for yourself.” There is a fine line between thinking for one’s self and inventing your own God and your own religion to fit your own view of the world. When I find things in The Bible that I think, “that can’t be right,” then I have to adjust MY thinking to make it agree with GOD’s words – not try to adjust The Bible to agree with my thinking. The Church is not Israel. The Hebrew people are God’s chosen people. God’s promised blessings to the Jews are for a physical people in a physical world. We who are Christians are a spiritual people with spiritual blessings. God addresses different people in different ways throughout The Bible. There are the Jews, the Church, and the heathen, and we have to read The Bible in its full context so that we understand who He is addressing.

    I do appreciate that you took the time to comment and to do so politely even though we disagree. I will not, however, permit what I consider to be blasphemy on this site, which is why some of your comment was cut out. Those who are curious about your position can do a Google search and find out whatever they want. As for me and my house, we will follow and worship the God of The Bible.

  3. Amanda, homemaker says:

    Wow, I SO appreciate your stand for God’s Word, southern heritage, and what is right. I just came across your website. I think I’ve found a new favorite!!! Thanks again.

  4. Thank you, ma’am. I deeply appreciate the kind words.

    This blog is not really here to try to convince others, but to let those who already believe know that they are not alone. The media and “culture” of this world would have us think that those who believe this way are extreme, isolated, and anti-social. We need to understand that those who believe The BIBLE as the word of God, who love their native South, and who believe in living a good, decent, honorable, and responsible life, will ALWAYS be a tiny minority. “Narrow is the way” applies to all that is good.

    Take care and may God continue to bless you.

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