Category Archives: history

Thanksgiving, 1944

The Norman Rockwell classic, Freedom From Want, speaks volumes of the bounty that we have here in America. Even the poorest of the poor here are far richer than much of the rest of the world. Obesity is a far … Continue reading

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Slavery and Secession – Another View

The Faith and Heritage blog has a fascinating review of The Road to Disunion, Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant, by William W. Freehling. So much of what I thought I knew about the period leading up to the War for Southern … Continue reading

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The Case for the Lower Case “u”

Ask just about anyone to write out the name of this country, and they will almost certainly write “United States of America”. They will most likely also refer to it as “The United States of America”. There are two problems … Continue reading

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Letter to a Union General

Sometimes, we need to step back in time and read the words of those who were there rather than the opinions of politically correct self-proclaimed “historians”. These are such words. OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 2, vol 5, Part 1 (Prisoners of … Continue reading

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Libya and the War of Northern Aggression

Pat Buchanan had an excellent column today in which he drew an analogy between Obama’s undeclared war against Libya and Lincoln’s war against The South. Yet, again, why are we bombing Libya? Gadhafi did not attack the West. He faced … Continue reading

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The Republic of Florida

One week from today – Monday, February 7th – will mark the 150th anniversary of the end of the short-lived Republic of Florida. This sovereign nation existed from January 10, 1861 when the State of Florida seceded from the union, … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Robert E. Lee

Today marks the birthday of one of The South’s greatest leaders and the epitome of the gracious Southern gentleman – Robert Edward Lee. To help commemorate this great event, here are a few quotes from and about General Lee: “Let … Continue reading

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The Last Confederate Soldiers

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SCV Video – South Carolina Secedes

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In Honor of Veteran’s Day

Today, in honor of Veteran’s Day, I am posting some photos of those who came before me who fought for their country.

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