Tag Archives: leadership

Lessons in Leadership – Risk

Vision Forum has long been one of our favorite sources of inspiration. We have purchased several items from their catalog, and it was one of the first links included on Confederate Colonel, even before it switched to a blog format. … Continue reading

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The Scouting Pattern

Who do we pattern our lives after? For the Southern gentleman, Robert E. Lee has been the “gold standard”. Today, we start a series of posts looking at the Boy Scout movement as a pattern for the Southern gentleman. I … Continue reading

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We Should Have Enemies

Some years ago, I was talking to a friend at church about a horrible accident that happened to someone we knew. I remarked, “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.” He replied, “I don’t have any enemies.” Many in … Continue reading

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The Importance of Eye Contact

The Art of Manliness – one of my favorite blogs – has an excellent post on the importance of maintaining eye contact with others. Leadership is a major topic here on Confederate Colonel, and eye contact is a social matter … Continue reading

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Lessons from the USS Cumberland Sound

Leadership, at its most basic level, means to serve others. A good leader knows that the objective is to get the job done – not to make sure that you receive the glory. I thought about this as I put … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving, 1944

The Norman Rockwell classic, Freedom From Want, speaks volumes of the bounty that we have here in America. Even the poorest of the poor here are far richer than much of the rest of the world. Obesity is a far … Continue reading

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A Judge With Common Sense

Every once in a while, I take advantage of my role as chief scribe at Confederate Colonel to post something quite unrelated to our main topic. This is one of those posts. After my previous post in which I pointed … Continue reading

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A Matter of Suffrage

Any serious discussion about why the “American Experiment” has failed will eventually come to the same conclusion: The problem is not who we have in positions of leadership – the problem is who votes to put those people into positions … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – The Burden

The lure of being the one in charge is certainly an attractive one, and given the self-centered attitude of today’s crop of “leaders”, it is quite understandable that the burden of leadership is missed. When most people look at others … Continue reading

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Letter to a Union General

Sometimes, we need to step back in time and read the words of those who were there rather than the opinions of politically correct self-proclaimed “historians”. These are such words. OFFICIAL RECORDS: Series 2, vol 5, Part 1 (Prisoners of … Continue reading

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