Tag Archives: leadership

Egalitarianism – Destroyer of Nations

Egalitarianism is the false belief that everyone is equal – that everyone has equal abilities, equal potential, equal intelligence, equal moral and spiritual uprightness, etc. If everyone is equal, then the logic follows that the results should be equal – … Continue reading

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League of The South – I Was Wrong

In the past, I have written a number of times about my disagreement with the stated objectives of the League of The South. I now find myself having to say that for the current situation of this nation, I was … Continue reading

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For Good Men To Do Nothing

A quote attributed to Edmund Burke is “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Borrowing that thought, All that is necessary for our Southern culture and heritage to be destroyed is for … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – Shipwrecked in 1864

[Number 6 in a series] A group shipwrecked on an island is a classic scenario for studying how people interact and cope with adversity. In this case, we are going to look at two real-life examples and how leadership made … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – George S. Patton

[Number 5 in a series] Controversial, bordering on insanity, colorful and outspoken – there are many ways to describe General George S. Patton, but his leadership ability was beyond question. In this Lesson in Leadership, we’ll let the words of … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – 5 Traits of True Leaders

[Number 4 in a series] The Art of Manliness blog has a great article titled The 5 Traits of True Leadership. Be sure to read the entire post. Here is a basic outline to whet your appetite: 1. Quiet resolution. … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – At a Moment’s Notice

[Number 3 in a series] Leadership is not always a matter of well-established relationships – sometimes it is required at a moment’s notice. How many times have you come across a traffic accident shortly after it happened? What happens with … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – Two Failures

[Number 2 in a series] There are two types of people who are guaranteed to be failures – those who cannot give orders and those who cannot obey orders. While we usually think of leadership as being the person in … Continue reading

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Lessons in Leadership – Introduction

  [Number 1 in a series] Lessons in Leadership will be an on-going series published here on Confederate Colonel. We will look at the traits of good leaders and how we can develop those traits. Some men are born leaders, … Continue reading

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